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scultura in legno L'arte contemporanea espessa in quadro scultura in legno

Flavio Pellegrini was born in Brescia in 1960.

He expresses himself with sculpture and chooses wood as the predominant material of his works.
Fascinated by abstraction, he searches for contents and expressions, refusing classical wooden sculpture.

He is stimulated by his technical training and his familiarity with computer science, giving him a vision of  space as a set of numerical sequences modulated with rigor and method. His artistic career is marked by his technological thinking, manual skills, and personal interpretation of the forms matured with sensitivity.

The idea of ​​being able to express the emotional components of his work with mathematics leads him to an intense activity of study and experimentation with the aim of finding the delicate balance between technicalities and harmonies, between execution and expression.

A favorable combination of creativity, aesthetics and experience gave, in 1999, a decisive turning point in his art that will result in a phase of 2014 called "harmonic black", a condensate of matter and light.
He works alternating opposite emotional currents, from impetuous and chaotic to serene and modulated, never connected to the usual search for continuous expressive variations.

Critical and strict with himself, he is able to accept with serenity the inevitable failures of research and appreciates the achievements with enthusiasm.

In order to maintain the uniqueness of the work, with extreme determination,  he deletes all operating files .


He works, studies and researches in Flero (Brescia) Italy

Artistic work , sculpture,  in black wood

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